Mar 29, 2020
Losing the Peace.
The Federation has won the war. The Borg, once humanity's most
lethal enemy, are gone forever. However, new challenges arise as
the people of the Federation deal with the aftermath of the
greatest, most unimaginable loss of life, leading to the
displacement of countless Federation citizens. Will Starfleet have
won the war only to lose the peace they've struggled so valiantly
In this episode of Literary Treks, hosts Bruce Gibson and Dan Gunther are joined by The Edge's Brandi Jackola to talk about Losing the Peace by William Leisner. We talk about Crusher's role in the story including flashbacks to her past, the refugee situation on Pacifica, Chen and Taurik's grief, Choudhury's journey, the grim reminder to listen to our better angels, and wrap up with our final thoughts and ratings.
At the top of the show, we discuss the newly-revealed cover of
*Agents of Influence* by Dayton Ward and respond to listener
feedback from The Babel Conference for Literary Treks 298: Utopia
is a Series of Choices.
Agents of Influence Cover (00:02:16)
Listener Feedback (00:07:08)
Feature: Losing the Peace
Having Not Read the Books Before (00:13:47)
Starting at Chateau Picard (00:18:58)
Beverly Helping Others Selflessly (00:23:52)
Refugees on Pacifica (00:31:27)
Chen and Taurik’s Grief (00:40:25)
Choudhury Coming to Terms (00:45:55)
Listen to our Better Angels (00:51:45)
Kadohata and Her Family (00:56:55)
Captain Hernandez Reference (00:59:54)
Ratings (01:01:02)
Final Thoughts (01:09:30)
Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson
Brandi Jackola
Bruce Gibson (Editor and Producer) Dan Gunther (Producer) C Bryan
Jones (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Matthew
Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer)
Brandon-Shea Mutala (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate
Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate
Producer) Jeffery Harlan (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt
(Associate Producer)