Jul 28, 2013
The Next Generation: Ghosts.
Picard and the Enterprise crew spent a lot of time mediating disputes, conducting diplomatic missions, and responding to distress calls during the seven-year run of TNG. Those three pastimes come together in Zander Cannon's five-part comic series Ghosts. In this episode of Literary Treks,...
Jul 21, 2013
Deep Space Nine: Fool's Gold.
Some comics read like, well, comics. Short reads that leave you wanting more. On the other hand, some comics read like episodes and make you wish the story had been put on the screen. Such is the case with IDW's first DS9 miniseries "Fool's Gold." This story of Cardassian deceit, hidden...
Jul 7, 2013
Larry Nemecek's Stellar Cartography.
It's been more than a decade since the last update to the Star Charts reference book, but thanks to Larry Nemecek and 47North fans will soon be able to get around the galaxy more efficiently than ever. In this episode of Literary Treks, Christopher Jones is joined by Larry to learn...