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Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast

Jun 25, 2017

Ghost Ship.

On Literary Treks, we have reviewed the first original novel of each of the Star Trek series. Now it's time for our attention to turn to The Next Generation, and a very unique novel that shows us a take on TNG that was written with very little of the actual show to work with. Is the story representative of...

Jun 11, 2017

Hearts and Minds.

Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise encounter an alien world with a dark link to Earth's past. When the captain and his away team are arrested for crimes supposedly committed by a sinister agency in the 21st century, it's up to them to discover the truth about what happened. Did travellers...

Jun 4, 2017

Doctor's Orders.

For a ship's surgeon, Dr. McCoy tends to spend an awful lot of time on the bridge of the Enterprise, usually grousing to Captain Kirk about his command decisions. The tables are turned on the good doctor when Kirk decides to leave him in command while visiting an alien world. However, when Captain Kirk...