Sep 21, 2019
Aaron Harvey: The Official Guide to the Animated Series.
An often-overlooked corner of the Star Trek universe, the animated
Star Trek series of 1973-'74 was the first time Trek would make a
comeback. Utilizing most of the original voice talent, TAS
approached storytelling in much the same way as its predecessor. A
comprehensive guide to this groundbreaking series has never been
made available... until now!
In this episode of Literary Treks, hosts Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson are joined by Aaron Harvey, host and co-author of Star Trek: The Official Guide to the Animated Series. We discuss his passion for the animated adventures of Star Trek, how he and co-author Rich Schepis got the job of creating this guide, the process of putting the book together, the layout of the book, some interesting surprises that were revealed about the series, and wrap up by talking about where Aaron can be found online.
In the news section, we talk about the release of issue #1 of Star Trek: Discovery: Aftermath from IDW, get a sneak peek of Dayton Ward's upcoming Kirk Fu manual, and judge the cover of the upcoming novel Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless by Dave Galanter. We also respond to your Babel Conference feedback for Literary Treks 280: The Rigellians are Psycho.
Discovery Aftermath #1 Comic Releases (00:02:57)
Preview Pages from Kirk Fu (00:04:43)
DSC: Dead Endless Cover (00:06:53)
Listener Feedback (00:09:12)
Feature: Aaron Harvey
Passion for TAS (00:15:44)
Getting the Gig (00:22:00)
Canon or Not Canon (00:27:10)
Crafting the Book (00:33:14)
Found Artifacts (00:37:56)
Deep Messages (00:49:17)
The Art in the Book (00:58:31)
Fun Detective Investigations (01:01:55)
Colors, Ships, and Bloopers (01:08:05)
More from Aaron (01:16:02)
Final Thoughts (01:18:20)
Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson
Aaron Harvey
Bruce Gibson (Editor and Producer) Dan Gunther (Producer) C Bryan
Jones (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Matthew
Rushing (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)
Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager) Ken Tripp (Associate
Producer) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Associate Producer) Justin Oser
(Associate Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Greg Rozier
(Associate Producer) Jeffery Harlan (Associate Producer)