Mar 30, 2014
Alien Spotlight, Part I.
Is assimilation your thing? How about a nice fight to the death with ice cleavers? Maybe you prefer a tall glass of kanar? We all have our favorite alien races, and in 2007 IDW turned the spotlight on some of Star Trek's most famous aliens with a series of comics that told stories unique to...
Mar 23, 2014
Greg Cox: No Time Like the Past.
Star Trek characters from different eras meeting is nothing new. Picard met Spock. Scotty met Geordi. Julian met a stunning 23rd-century lieutenant that made him think he might be his own great-grandfather. But two characters we never thought would cross paths are Captain James T. Kirk...
Mar 16, 2014
The Return of the Serpent.
During The Original Series, Kirk made many life-shattering decisions for civilizations he'd just met. In "The Apple," the discovery of naive humanoids living in a Garden of Eden-like setting on Gamma Trianguli VI was too much for the Captain to take. The people were happy, but they worshipped...
Mar 9, 2014
John Jackson Miller: Absent Enemies.
The Fall set the Star Trek universe on a new course, and what better way to usher in this brave new world than with the addition of a new face to the roster of renowned authors? John Jackson Miller may be new to Star Trek, but he's no stranger to those who love tie-in fiction. His...
Mar 2, 2014
Slings and Arrows: The Insolence of Office.
In 2007 Pocket Books decided to honor the 20th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with a six-part eBook series that bridged the gap between the destruction of the Enterprise-D in Generations and the next time we saw the crew on the big screen in First Contact....