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Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast

Jan 29, 2015

Slings and Arrows: A Weary Life.

The TNG episode Second Chances gave us a duplicate of William Riker and the DS9 episode Defiant left that duplicate, Tom in a Cardassian prison. What we never got a chance to see was the effect all of these things had on Will until the Slings and Arrows' entry, A Weary Life. 

In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Dan Gunther talk about this penultimate book in the Slings and Arrows ebook series. We ask the question of where Tom is, discuss the trio of Riker, LaForge and Daniels, the genuine emotion of Riker, the news media and Maquis problem as well as our ratings. 

In our news segment we remind everyone Takedown by John Jackson Miller is out, discuss the Axanar announcement of an anthology collection that's on the way, as well as celebrate 20 years of Star Trek Voyager by discussing our favorite Voyager books. 



Matthew Rushing and Dan Gunther


Editor and Producer 

Matthew Rushing 

Richard Marquez


Associate Producers

Will Nguyen

Lisa Stevens

Kenneth Trip


Production Manager

Richard Marquez


Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen



TakeDown is Out! (00:03:08)

Axanar Anthology (00:05:48)

Celebrating 20 Years of Voyager (00:09:42)


Feature: Slings and Arrows: A Weary Life

Dan Shares His Thoughts on the Series (00:16:38)

Where's Tom? (00:18:33)

Genuine Emotion (00:20:29)

Tom on DS9 or Killing Will (00:28:43)

An Interesting Trio (00:31:05)

The Federation News Service and the Maquis Problem (00:34:45)

Ratings (00:42:47)

Closing (00:45:51)


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